Do You Know What to Do in a Car Accident in Calgary?


Getting into a car accident, your fault or not, can be a very stressful event in anyone’s life. When you’re in the middle of the mayhem do you know what needs to get done? Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind should you ever be in a car accident so you can avoid unnecessary complications when it’s all over.

Remain Calm at the Scene of a Car Accident

Even if you think the traffic accident was your fault, don’t admit anything to anyone at the scene. Remain calm as assault charges frequently arise at the scene of an accident when arguments start. If you believe you’re innocent of any charges, save your argument for the courts.

Providing the Right Information at a Car Accident

Always cooperate with police and give them or anyone who suffers loss or injury your name, address, driver’s license number, name and address of the registered owner of the vehicle, registration number and insurance information. You are generally required to give a written account of the incident to police. That statement is privileged information and not producible in any court proceedings.

Failure to Remain at the Scene of an Accident

If the collision is serious, remain at the scene and wait for the police. Failure to remain at the scene of an accident is really not a charge you want to deal with. Call the police to explain the situation and they’ll let you know if you need to stay or go to a police station to make a written account.

You must remain at the scene and do not move the vehicles if:

  • there is an injury

  • there is a dispute over who is at fault

  • there is suspicion of alcohol

  • damages exceed $2000.00

If during the call, police allow you to leave the scene, report to a police station within one day of the traffic accident. Police will provide you with a sticker to attach to your windshield after an accident report has been provided, so you can have your vehicle repaired.

Gathering Information About the Traffic Accident Scene

Before you leave the scene, write down as much information as you can. The other driver must give you their name, address, phone number and insurance particulars. Get names, addresses and phone numbers of all parties and witnesses. If anyone involved in the traffic accident leaves the scene, write down their license plate number and a description of them and their vehicle. Take pictures of the car accident scene and the position of the vehicles and/or draw a sketch of these things. Write down your version of the events as soon as possible and include the following details:

  • date, time and exact location of the car accident

  • direction each vehicle was traveling

  • weather and road conditions

  • names of any ambulance personal who attended

  • names and badge numbers of the police officers who investigated the traffic accident

  • names, addresses and phone numbers of witnesses

  • anything you think is unusual about other vehicles or parties involved

  • times and distances between all relevant events

  • the approximate speed of the vehicles at the time of the traffic accident

Dealing with Car Accident Injuries

In some circumstances, you may have a legal obligation to provide or secure medical assistance. There is generally no legal obligation to assist strangers but if you do, you will not be held liable for injury or death unless you are grossly negligent in your actions.

Car Accident with a Parked Vehicle

If you are involved in a collision with a parked vehicle and cannot find the owner, leave a slip of paper with your name, address, phone number and insurance particulars. Do the same if you hit private property such as a fence, bicycle or even a hedge. If you hit public property such as a stop sign or a streetlight post, the collision must be reported to police immediately.

Reporting a Car Accident

Any traffic accident involving your vehicle must be reported, even if you weren’t the one driving. Report the collision to police and your insurance company as soon as you become aware of it. If you don’t report to the police, you could be fined up to $500 or 6 months imprisonment. You do not have to speak to the other party’s insurance company about the accident, but you must cooperate with your own insurance company. Tell them about the damage to your vehicle and any injuries suffered.

Help With Car Accident Ticket Cost

If you receive a traffic ticket for your involvement in a car accident be assured that virtually every charge arising from a traffic accident in Alberta is negotiable, and often winnable at trial.

It has nothing to do with “getting off” and everything to do with saving you money on your insurance! Fighting a car accident ticket in court and getting it reduced to the most minor offense available, or beating it outright at trial, can save you thousands of dollars over the next three years with your insurance company.

Contact us for a free, no obligation consultation and we’ll show you how we can help you.

Find out more about car accident tickets, careless driving tickets and tickets arising from a hit and run.

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