Stunting Ticket, Alberta - Road Rage


We’ve all dealt with annoying drivers who seem like they must have gotten their license from a gum machine…. but before you attempt to “teach them a lesson” take a minute to find out who will be the one most likely to get “taught”.

There isn’t actually an offence called “Road Rage” but we all know what it looks like. Sometimes it’s just a yelling match back and forth, a few select finger gestures, then the drivers move on. Even that short exchange is an example of the stunting definition for both parties… 3 demerits and a $567.00 fine just so you can remember the event fondly.

If you choose to get your vehicle involved in some kind of action to piss off the other driver, you escalate to at least a Careless Driving charge (read all about that here). That easily becomes Dangerous Driving or Criminal Negligence in the Operation of a Motor Vehicle. These criminal charges earn you license suspensions, really huge fines and a criminal record that will bar your entry into most countries (yes, really!).

The courts don’t care who started it. If both drivers are actively engaged in a Road Rage incident, BOTH will be served their very own stunting ticket. So… what do you do? Stress balls are known to work wonders. (...and they’re much cheaper than the alternative)

So what do you do if you’re on the receiving end of road rage?… ignore drivers’ taunts and notify police immediately. Speeding away is never the right choice. If the other driver insists on bothering you, maintain your speed, or drive even more slowly and head straight for the nearest police station. Reporting the other driver’s license plate number is always a great choice. Based on what you have to say, police can lay charges against that person and you’ll see them brought to justice.

From our perch, we think if that driver wants that piece of road soooo badly, let ‘em have it.


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