How Much is a Racing Ticket in Alberta?

Fast & Furious is an awesome movie series about car street races. In reality, racing on Alberta streets is strictly prohibited, carrying severe penalties beginning with impounding your car… and then it gets really bad.

There’s no version of a car street race police or Alberta courts will EVER permit since it puts the public at extreme risk when untrained drivers go insanely fast on public roads.

Whether because of a wager or just a spontaneous moment of fun, a car street race - even over just a city block, can get you that street racing ticket.

What is the Penalty for a Speed Racing Ticket? How Many Racing Demerit Points?

If You Were to Get Caught Racing You Would Receive:

  • a brutal 6 racing demerit points

  • fines starting at $567, but as high as $2300

  • your vehicle seized (even if it isn’t yours)

  • your licence suspended

  • Oh, it gets worse… insurance premiums the same as impaired drivers. Financially crushing numbers for just a minute of fun!

We Can Help You Reduce Your Street Racing Ticket Cost

We have more than 37 years defending Alberta drivers and know how to fight a street racing ticket. We will review your situation during a free, no obligation consultation and tell you ways we can reduce fines, demerits and the impact on your insurance rates. Contact us now and get the straight truth about defending a street racing charge.


What’s an Unreasonable Speed Ticket and What Did I Do to Deserve This?


Do Demerit Points Affect Insurance in Alberta?