Flashing Headlights - Stunting Ticket Alberta


You just drove past a radar trap working traffic going in the other direction, so you do the ‘good deed’ and flash your headlights to warn oncoming drivers. Wonder if they’ll be willing to help you pay your outrageous fine? Read on…

The Alberta stunting meaning is doing anything while driving that is likely to ‘startle, distract or interfere with other users of the road'. That’s a $567.00 fine (ouch), 3 demerit points (double ouch) and a nasty insurance premium increase over the next three years (really big owie)… all because you chose to be a good soul and help out those other drivers.

It’s really not uncommon to find a police car sitting just down the road from the radar site watching for flashers (pun intended) …so do your best to resist temptation and avoid getting that stunting ticket.

Find out more about the different ways you can get a stunting ticket.

Find out how how easy it is to fight your stunting ticket or any other traffic ticket with our "Easy No Brainer System".

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