A Careless Driving Ticket After an Accident in Alberta


A Careless Driving ticket, is the most serious moving violation in Alberta. It brings the SAME insurance premium increase as if you got an impaired driving conviction. That will mean thousands of extra dollars per year on your insurance rates… for three years or more …we’re really not kidding!

In Alberta Careless Driving is a badly overused/misused “catch all” that police prefer to issue in a car accident. This practice evolved years ago from the prosecutors’ decision to make their courtroom jobs easier. They directed the police to issue a careless driving ticketafter an accident almost exclusively. Why?... A car accident trial always has civilian witnesses that tie up inordinate amounts of time in court. The prosecutors big idea is there are dozens of lesser offenses contained within Careless Driving they can use in pleading down a careless driving ticket, and most defendants will take a deal to avoid the insurance risk of choosing to fight careless driving ticket cases.

NEVER cut a deal with the prosecutor in these cases. A careless driving ticket is inappropriate in nearly every car accident and we have the knowledge and experience to help you reduce or even ELIMINATE the careless driving ticket entirely. It will save you a TON of money and a load of stress.

Find out more about how we can help you with Alberta careless driving ticketscar accident tickets and hit and run tickets.

Also find out about how traffic tickets affect your vehicle insurance rates.

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